How to Fix Dead Pixel or Stuck Pixels of Green, Blue, Red?
Either is it a dead pixel or stuck malfunctioning pixels on your device screen can be very annoying particularly when watching something on a monitor and playing on it. If you notice any dead pixel vs stuck pixel appear on the screen, you should immediately look at how to fix the problem.
In fact, regardless of whether it’s only a few in one corner of the screen, when we detect them we can’t look at anything else. You can’t resist the urge but stare at it for days and wonder how long it will take to get it repaired or replaced. Furthermore, it’s all a direct result of something as a sign of monitor failure.
Fixing a physical problem on the screen can be difficult, but you have to look at possible solutions. There are certain keys methods that help us with fixing dead pixels on a screen, whether or not it is a a TV, a mobile, or a monitor with different sizes, etc.
When talking about problems on the device screen, numerous people use the terms “dead pixel” and “stuck pixel” conversely. However, these terms refer to two completely different issues. Correctly identifying the error in your pixel can help you find a solution more quickly. So, ‘What is Dead Pixel vs Stuck Pixels’, Read On!.
Dead Pixel vs. Stuck Pixels

What are Stuck Pixels?
A stuck pixel typically displays some wrong colored dots in the place of stuck pixels or the wrong level of brightness. The color of the stuck pixel is mostly green, blue, red, or a contiguous color. Stuck pixels sometimes flicker, and may show up in groups.

Stuck pixels are common regular, however, they can go back and forth on their own. Because energy continues reaching the pixel, but only gets stuck in one color. The primary thing to remember is that stuck pixels tend to fix themselves over time, but if they don’t, there are a couple of things you can try.
A stuck pixel can happen due to many problems, including minor technical errors, LCD screen manufacturing defects, or compatibility issues with certain software applications. They are common in regular or gaming monitors that are old or have not been utilized in quite a while.
What are Dead Pixels?
In contrast to a stuck pixel, which can be fixed, a dead pixel is for all time off on the screen. Dead pixels appear as a black dot on the screen (or white, depending on the type of screen) since it is defective. While in the case of a stuck pixel it shows some color (mostly Red, Blue, and Green).

Dead pixels caused by manufacturing defects, their causes tend to be more serious than stuck pixels. A dead pixel is usually the result of an absence of energy that should flow to that particular pixel. This shows that the transistor, which carries current to the pixel, has been damaged.
What is the Difference Between Dead Pixels and Stuck Pixels?
A dead pixel is a pixel that is permanently off and appears as a black color dot on the screen when the screen is turned on. While stuck pixel, it is always a single color (red, green, or blue).
These happen due to the fact that the energy doesn’t reach the dead pixel since it is corrupted. On the other hand, energy reaches the stuck pixel continually however just gets stuck in one color.
How to test if there any dead or stuck pixels on the screen?
The free online tool called Dead Pixel Check, help us with checking if there are any burned, dead, or stuck pixels present on the screen. It helps us locate them by coloring the single color onto the screen(of course you can change the colors for finding different colored affected pixels), which more clearly uncovers the pixel that isn’t working.
After reaching the website, click the start button to test for the dead or stuck pixels on the screen. Press “space” or ‘click left mouse button’ to change the color of the test-screen.
What are the reasons that cause dead or stuck pixels?
These are some of the main causes of dead pixel vs stuck pixels. Be sure and safe against occurring with the screen of your monitor or mobile phones.
Do dead pixels spread?
Not at all. Dead pixels are static, which means they do not move or change at all. Once a pixel dies, it is dead forever and will never spread to other pixels. So if you have a dead pixel on your screen, don’t worry about it spreading and infecting other parts of your display!
How to Fix Stuck Pixels or Dead Pixels?
Stuck pixels are commonly a temporary problem, despite the fact that they can be repeating. Turning your monitor off and on multiple times typically fixes the problem, particularly when the stuck pixel simply appears within a specific program.
At the same time, dead pixels are a bit difficult to fix. There are several methods of fixing a corrupted pixel that can work, but these two ways are given below, you must try these methods before investing in the repair of the PC monitor screen.
1. JScreenFix Online Tool.
It is a website, to fix the issue by applying the simple method. You don’t need to download anything, so you can utilize it on your screen of desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or TV. This is the method to follow:

- Leave the screen off for at least two hours to ensure its internal parts are cool before starting.
- Turn on the PC, and when it starts open a browser and launch
- The screen will turn black and a colored box will show up that we can move from one side to the next.
- On PC press F11 to enter full-screen mode, and move the colored box to the area where the dead or stuck pixel is placed.
- Leave it there for 10-15 minutes. If possible, try leaving it for longer if the pixel is still dead or stuck (as long as 1 hour). It doesn’t make any difference what screen technology is used, if it is OLED, LED, LCD, AMOLED, IPS, etc.
- What this method does, forces the pixels in the area to switch between red, green, and blue at a rate of 60 times per second, which can assist with restoring the blocked pixels effectively and quickly.
- if it doesn’t work, it is ideal to use it a few times more and not give up after the first attempt.
If this method has failed to get the pixel fixed out, you can try the second method.
2. PixelHealer Software.
Another method that works is to have the screen display multiple colors in fast progression, a sort of pixel shock treatment. The PixelHealer application allows you to do it at a more effective rate also it is free to download for mobile phones as well as for Personal Computers.

PixelHealer is a program dedicated totally to fixing dead and stuck pixels, and its use couldn’t be simpler. Once we have it running, the tool will create a small color window with the ‘Start Flashing‘ button.
At the point when we run it, we just need to cover the zone of the dead or stuck pixel, set the time (a couple of minutes should be sufficient), and press the button for the program to activate it on that area of the screen to attempt to revive the influenced pixels.
It is important that during this time we don’t look at the screen, because it will show lights flashing at a rapid that can make us dizzy or even cause a brain injury if we are prone to it.
If we use both methods almost certainly, we can “fix” the pixel, that if it can be fixed, obviously.
There are also times when these faulty pixels vanish overnight, or they stay there until the day’s end and even other pixels around them quit working as well. It is a matter of luck and the quality of the manufacture of the device.
What to do if there is a screen pixel defect under warranty?
Unfortunately, if you find stuck or dead pixels within the warranty period on your device screen, it is recommended that you replace it with the manufacturer. Most screen manufacturers have various policies for handling stuck or dead pixels and usually replace the monitor if it is blocked by more than a few pixels with a similar color.
Since dead pixels are difficult to fix, the best option is to replace your monitor under the manufacturer’s warranty. A few manufacturers replace monitors that have at least one defective pixel, however, most producers require a base number of damaged pixels before they can give warranty service.
For more information, see the warranty information that accompanied your desktop monitor or laptop, or contact the manufacturer.
How to Fix Corrupted Pixel Manually?
In the event that no software or online tool has worked, there is a somewhat manual correction method that has managed to work in certain cases. which involves a direct physical impact on the screen.
Of course, the risks of injury to the monitor with such “treatment” are also high, additionally high, consequently, it is better for the individuals who are uncertain of their abilities not to even try to save the TV manually.
You can follow the steps of the method:
- You must first locate the glowing pixel, then turn off the power of the display,
- Immediately while later, take a soft cloth with which we will apply pressure on the screen panel.
- The pressure must be done with a finger gently in the place where the pixel on the screen hangs.
- Holding down for about 10 minutes at the point where the pixel is dead, then turn on the screen to see whether the pixels have disappeared.
This method doesn’t always work, so we recommend it in the event that the previous methods do not work. And even the disappearance of stuck pixels doesn’t guarantee that they will not appear again.
Now here is the post ends, If you liked the insights of the article ‘Dead Pixel vs Stuck Pixel‘ you can share it on social networks.